We are grateful for your continued interest in our programming and activities.
Private contributions play a key role in allowing us to maintain our innovative research agenda, as well as organize (virtual) academic lectures, conferences, and workshops.
Your support will also allow us to forge ahead with expanding our Center’s Digital Video Library – a repository of pioneering scholarly lectures, professionally recorded and made freely accessible on our website for the use of a global audience. In addition, your contributions will aid in fulfilling the Institute’s mission to provide awards to deserving students for exceptional academic achievement. Major endowments unlock the possibility of named research programs as well as named fellowships for graduate and undergraduate student support.
Friends of the Pourdavoud Institute Giving Opportunities
Annual membership to the Friends of the Pourdavoud Institute enables the Institute to continue its offering of innovative research and cutting-edge programing. To help the Pourdavoud Institute fulfill its mission, please consider joining the Friends of the Pourdavoud Institute circle at one of the following levels: