Dear colleagues and friends of the UCLA campus,
With the support of campus leadership, the UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies launched an emergency effort to respond to the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and help Scholars at Risk.
The central campus administration has committed funding, but to bring several scholars from Afghanistan, we need your help. We would now like to give the campus community at large the opportunity to contribute to this effort.
Our goal is to raise $100,000 by September 30 to enable emergency travel and placement of fellow Afghan scholars at UCLA. Our priorities are to support faculty members at acute risk and desperately trying to escape Afghanistan. We are working in partnership with multiple organizations, including Scholars at Risk, Scholar Rescue Fund, and American Institute for Afghanistan Studies, to aid our colleagues.
Please make your tax-deductible gift today. (https://spark.ucla.edu/project/27351) And please share this campaign on your social media and with friends and family.
Ali Behdad
Director, UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies
Domenico Ingenito
Director, UCLA Program on Central Asia