Last week, Prof. Lara Fabian gave the first talk of the new Pourdavoud Faculty Lunch Talk series entitled “Of Pithoi and the Parthians: Burial Practices in the Talış Highlands.”
Professor Fabian discussed her collaborative fieldwork project in the Talış region and what she and her team learned about life in the small-scale highland communities of this area during the first millennium BCE and first millennium CE. She situated the Nəsiri Kolat evidence within wider material culture traditions from western Iran in this period. Her talk also explored the interpretive challenges inherent in tracing the evolution of cultural practice in Parthian space, particularly the challenges of understanding how shifting material practices intersect with wide-scale political reorganizations in this elusive ancient state.
We would like to thank everyone who was able to join us at our inaugural lunch talk and hope to see students and colleagues at the next lunch talk.