The Pourdavoud Center sponsored a workshop on “Ancient Iran and the Heritage of Ancient Near East” as part of the Rencontre Assyriologique and the Melammu Symposia in Innsbruck, Austria from July 16 to July 20. Among the participants are: Maria Macuch (Univerisity of Toronto); Dan Beckman (Princeton University); Rolf Strootman (University of Utrecht); Jake Nabel (Getty Villa); Josef Wiesehöfer (University of Kiel); and M. Rahim Shayegan (UCLA).
For more Information, see: https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/rai_64/index.html.en
For the Conference’s program, see: https://www.uibk.ac.at/congress/rai_64/circulars/third-circular_june-2018.pdf