Reflection of Titles and Statuses in the Hierarchy of Senior Officials at the Achaemenid’s Royal Court: from Neo-Assyrian thought to Early Hellenistic Periods

Recorded: July 5, 2023
Event: Achaemenid Workshop 2
Citation: Baulina, Kateryna. "Reflection of Titles and Statuses in the Hierarchy of Senior Officials at the Achaemenid's Royal Court: from Neo-Assyrian thought to Early Hellenistic Periods." Pourdavoud Institute: Achaemenid Workshop 2 (July 5, 2023).

by Kateryna Baulina (Kyiv University)

The Achaemenid empire marked the final stage in the development of the history of Ancient Near East civilizations and was formed on the foundation of the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Elamite traditions, by borrowing some aspects of the royal organizational and managerial sector. A complex bureaucratic system ruled the empire. All ways of governing the country converged to the royal palace to senior officials, whose civilian positions were intertwined with military duties. This work investigates the considerations and comparations between the titles and statuses of officials who held the highest ranks at the king’s court. And through sources analysis, I will present my own vision about the evolution and transformation of said titles from Neo-Assyrian to the Achaemenid period and to early Hellenistic times.

About the Speaker

Kateryna Baulina is a Ph.D. student at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Department of Ancient History) where she also got a BA and MA. The topic of her dissertation is “Evolution of the titulary of Hephaestion as a manifestation of the syncretism of the Ancient Near Eastern political traditions in the empire of Alexander the Great”. Her research interests are Assyriology, the period of the Achaemenid empire, and the empire of Alexander the Great. Kateryna Baulina participated in such conferences as RAI Paris 2019, RAI Turin 2021, RAI Mainz 2022, Melammu Workshops, and the Ancient Near East Studies conferences at the universities of Kyiv, Helsinki, Berlin, Gdansk, and Wrocław. She independently explored collections of the Ancient Near East in the museums of Paris, Berlin, and New York, and also repeatedly visited the archaeological complexes of Persepolis, Pasargadae, and Ecbatana.